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Women should not ignore these symptoms of UTI



Women should not ignore these symptoms of UTI

UTI Symptoms in females: UTI i.e. urinary tract infection is increasing in women. The situation is that nowadays every other woman will complain to you about this. The main reason for urine infection is the disturbance of vaginal pH. Apart from this, lack of cleanliness or lack of water also causes this. Also, UTI infection troubles women more during pregnancy. In this situation, you should seek help from a doctor, but apart from this, you should pay attention to the symptoms of UTI and should not ignore it.

Women should not ignore these symptoms of UTI-

1. Frequent urination but not occurring

If you are having frequent urination and it is not happening after going, then you may be a victim of UTI infection. When infection occurs, bacteria accumulate around the bladder and do not allow urine to pass out. In such a situation, do not ignore it and consult a doctor.

2. Burning and itching

Burning and itching persist for a long time in UTI. Even if you do not have any problems related to urination, you may remain worried about the vaginal area. So, women should not ignore the burning sensation and itching in the vaginal area and consult a doctor.

3. Pain in the lower abdomen

Pain in the lower abdomen may be due to a UTI infection. In this, your bladder feels full and there is constant pain. You may always feel slight pain in your bladder which may last for a long time. Therefore checkup is necessary.

4. Foam and bad smell in urine

Foam and foul smell in urine can both be symptoms of UTI infection. During this time, your urine may appear foamy and may also smell bad. So when you go to the washroom, keep an eye on this situation. Otherwise, the infection can reach your bladder.

5. Uncomfortable about the vaginal area

If you are uncomfortable with the vaginal area and are feeling sick and tired, then it could be due to UTI. Do not ignore this condition and consult your doctor. Because if it is not treated on time, the infection can reach the bladder and kidneys. So, do not ignore these symptoms and consult your doctor.

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Dates Benefits: Why are dates used in Ramadan? Know the benefits of eating this after fasting




Dates Benefits: The importance of dates increases in the month of Ramadan. During this period, dates are such a thing without which Roza cannot be broken. Apart from this, people eat a lot of dates this month. But, have you ever wondered the reason for this? There is a religious story related to dates, but apart from that, there are many reasons due to why you can know what are the benefits of breaking the fast by eating dates (why are dates eaten during Ramadan). So, let us know about this.

Benefits of eating dates after fasting-

1. Dates help balance sugar after fasting:

The sugar in the body does not remain balanced during fasting. Sugar levels become low due to a lack of food and water throughout the day. In such a situation, the natural sugar of dates helps balance it and protects the body from other problems. It is also helpful in balancing the instant sugar in the body.

2. Dates Benefits Also helpful in balancing BP:

One special thing about dates is that they contain a lot of potassium and magnesium which helps balance BP. Both these elements keep your arteries healthy and prevent sudden lowering of BP after fasting. So, eat dates and balance your BP.

3. The body gets instant energy:

Consumption of dates is very beneficial in providing instant energy to the body. This protects your body from weakness, fatigue, and headaches felt after fasting. Therefore, this is another reason why you should eat dates first while breaking the fast.

4. Will protect against acidity:

You can eat dates to prevent acidity. It helps increase the bile juice in the stomach and keeps its lining healthy. When you break your fast and eat something very heavy, it can cause acidity problems. You may also have indigestion problems. In such a situation, eating dates can save you from these problems.

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Five people died in Europe due to parrot fever




The World Health Organization has issued a worrying report regarding a serious outbreak of psittacosis, commonly known as parrot fever, which has affected many people in various European countries. Initially identified in 2023, the outbreak has continued into the current year, with the unfortunate loss of five lives, CNN reports.

What is Parrot Fever:

Parrot fever, caused by bacteria belonging to the Chlamydia family, poses a significant health risk, spread by contact with both wild and domesticated birds and poultry. It is worth noting that infected birds may not exhibit symptoms but can still transmit the bacteria through breathing or excretions.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), humans often contract parrot fever by inhaling dust particles contaminated with the secretions of infected birds. In addition, direct contact, such as being bitten by a bird or contact between a bird’s beak and a person’s mouth, can also result in infection. It is noteworthy that this disease does not spread through consumption of infected animals.

Although rare, human-to-human transmission is possible, as studies indicate. However, in most of the recent cases, individuals came into contact with infected pet or wild birds, as outlined by the World Health Organization.

Symptoms of Parrot Fever:

Typically, symptoms of parrot fever appear about five to 14 days after exposure to an infected bird and may include headache, muscle aches, dry cough, fever, and chills. Fortunately, antibiotics are effective in treating infections, and deaths in humans are rare.

in Australia:

The outbreak has affected many European countries in different ways. For example, Austria, which typically reports only a few cases annually, has seen a significant increase, with 14 confirmed cases in 2023 and an additional four cases by March 4 this year. Surprisingly, these cases are unrelated, and none of the people have reported traveling abroad or having contact with wild birds.

In Denmark:

Denmark, on the other hand, typically has 15 to 30 such cases annually, mainly from contact with pet or hobby birds such as racing pigeons. As of February 27, Denmark has confirmed 23 cases of this outbreak, with public health officials suspecting that the real number may be higher.

Among the Danish cases, the hospitalization rate is worrying, with 17 individuals hospitalized, 15 diagnosed with pneumonia, and sadly four deaths.

Interestingly, some cases in Denmark have been linked to pet birds, while others have reported contact with wild birds, mainly through bird feeders. Surprisingly, three cases had no documented history of contact with birds, raising questions about alternative transmission routes.

in Germany:

Similarly, Germany reported 14 confirmed cases in 2023, with an additional five cases this year. Nearly all affected individuals experienced pneumonia, 16 of whom required hospitalization. Among the cases, some individuals reported exposure to sick pet birds or chickens.

In Sweden and the Netherlands:

Sweden and the Netherlands have also experienced fluctuations in cases of parrot fever. While Sweden saw a significant increase in cases at the end of 2023, this year has seen a decrease compared to previous years. In contrast, the Netherlands reported an increase in cases, indicating a possible change in the prevalence of the disease.

In conclusion, the outbreak of parrot fever underlines the importance of vigilance in handling and interacting with birds, both pet and wild. Public health measures, including proper hygiene practices and awareness campaigns, are important in preventing and reducing the spread of this infectious disease.

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Know How Effective is Contraceptive Pill



Know How Effective is Contraceptive Pill

How Effective is Contraceptive Pill: Birth control pills, often referred to as “the pill”, are a popular method of birth control used by millions of women around the world. If used correctly they provide a convenient and effective way to prevent pregnancy. If you are also thinking of using them as a contraceptive, then you need to understand their benefits, disadvantages, and risks before doing so.

How to do birth Contraceptive Pill:

Birth control pills work by releasing hormones in the body that prevent ovulation, the process where the ovary releases an egg each month. They also thicken cervical mucus, making it more difficult for sperm to reach the egg when it is released. Additionally, they thin the lining of the uterus, making it less likely that a fertilized egg will implant.

How do birth control pills work:

Birth control pills work by releasing hormones in the body that prevent ovulation, the process where the ovary releases an egg each month. They also thicken cervical mucus, making it more difficult for sperm to reach the egg when it is released. Additionally, they thin the lining of the uterus, making it less likely that a fertilized egg will implant.

There are two main types of birth control pills: combination pills, which contain both the hormones estrogen and progestin and progestin-only pills, also called mini-pills.

effectiveness of birth control pills:

The effectiveness of birth control pills depends largely on how often and correctly they are used. When taken as directed, they are highly effective at preventing pregnancy with a success rate of over 99%. However, factors such as missing a dose, taking certain medications, or experiencing vomiting or diarrhea may reduce their effectiveness.

Benefits of taking contraceptive pills:

Besides preventing pregnancy, birth control pills also offer many other benefits. They can help regulate the menstrual cycle, reduce menstrual cramps, and make periods lighter and more predictable. Some formulations of the pill are also known to improve acne and reduce the risk of certain cancers such as ovarian and endometrial cancer.

Know How Effective is Contraceptive Pill

Side effects and risks:

Although birth control pills are generally safe for most women, they may cause side effects in some individuals. Common side effects may include nausea, breast tenderness, and mood changes. In rare cases, they may increase the risk of blood clots, stroke, or heart attack, especially in women over 35 who smoke.

Who can use Contraceptive Pill:

Most women can use birth control pills safely, but there are some factors to consider. Women who smoke, have a history of blood clots or certain medical conditions or are breastfeeding may not be suitable candidates for the pill. It is important to consult a healthcare provider to determine if the pill is right for you.

consultation and prescription:

Before starting birth control pills, it is important to consult a healthcare provider. They can discuss your medical history, lifestyle factors, and any concerns you have to help you make an informed decision. If the pill is deemed suitable, they will provide a prescription and guidance on using it correctly.

Alternatives to Contraceptive Pill:

Although birth control pills are a popular option, they are not the only form of birth control available. There are many options, including condoms, intrauterine devices (IUDs), contraceptive implants, and sterilization procedures. Natural family planning methods, such as tracking ovulation and using barrier methods during fertile periods, are also options.

Myths and misconceptions:

Despite their widespread use, birth control pills are often surrounded by myths and misconceptions. Some people believe it causes weight gain, infertility, or long-term health problems, but these claims are largely unfounded. It is important to separate fact from fiction and rely on accurate information when making decisions about birth control.

Tips for effective use:

To maximize the effectiveness of birth control pills, it is necessary to take them consistently and correctly. This means taking a pill at the same time every day, not missing a dose, and following any instructions your healthcare provider gives. If you miss a pill or experience vomiting or diarrhea, it may be necessary to take extra precautions to prevent pregnancy.


Contraceptive Pills are a safe and effective method of birth control for many women. By understanding how they work, their benefits and risks, and how to use them correctly, individuals can make informed decisions about their reproductive health. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider to find the right contraceptive option for your needs and lifestyle.

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